Wednesday, 30 November 2011


As to date, PETRONAS are listed one of the SEVEN SISTERS. Seven Sisters are the 7 corporation that dominates the world Oil & Gas markets. How come with only 4 billion barrel reserve and domestic production of mere 250,000 billion per day can achieve that status??? 

  the color might same as PAS flag, but PAS didn’t perform as Petronas did

Definitely one of the key reason, that Petronas can achieve that status is :


Lets put back in perspective, lets check the lists and their country oil reserves :

a)    Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia) – 264,100,000,000 barrel reserve
b)    JSC Gazprom (Russia) – 79,000,000,000 barrel reserve
c)    CNPC (China) – 15,700,000,000 barrel reserve
d)    NIOC (Iran) – 137,600,000,000 barrel reserve
e)    PDVSA (Venezuela) – 98,590,000,000 barrel reserve
f)     Petrobras (Brazil) – 12,620,000,000 barrel reserve
g)   PETRONAS (Malaysia) – 4,000,000,000 barrel reserve

Check it out, only 4 billion reserved compared with other 6 sisters. HOW COME PETRONAS GOT LISTED??? Where the other oil they got from and made their money and managed to get the position???

Because its Petronas rezeki due to they are PRO and they don’t have Anwar Ibrahim as their advisor.

Oil Consumption Database in Malaysia

The categories of Oil Producers are between 4 to 5 million barrel per day. It shows we are not in the big boys league in Oil Producing.
Our country consumption of Oil / Fuel is between 547,000 barrel per day.
Petronas refineries only produced between 250,000 to 200,000 barrel per day. Other half are imported or refined by other O&G corporation like Shell and Exxon Mobil.

Our consumption is more than half everyday on what Petronas can produced from their refineries / output. And that other half of barrels of oil that our country used, have to paid as per actual market price (500% to 400% increase) since the Iraq War lies broke out, almost 10 years.

What PKR supporters said about the basic economy :

“If the fuel of price increase, more profit”

As per facts mentioned above, so now teach me about the basic economy that mentioned above, how can you make profits in your own country when consumption is far more from output / refine and you have to import or bring in to cover the extra consumption and at the same time you have to absorb / subsidize the international market price increase to 400%?

What make you say that our country are so rich with Oil / Fuel and can consider Malaysia is a big Oil Producer country? Our country reserve only have 4 billion barrel. With the current consumption of 547,000 barrel per day, we can only last for 20 years (if the consumption didn’t increase). Even Canada and US have more reserve than our country. Canada have 147 billion barrel and US have 97 billion barrel which minimum more than 200% than our country (and still they didn’t give any subsidy to their own citizens). Out of 98 countries that have reserves fuel / oil in their countries, Malaysia is only number 31! That’s nothing and pathetic! AGAIN PKR HAVE LIED TO US, MALAYSIANS.

In terms of daily productions, our country struggling to get the 500,000 barrel per day to cope with our consumption, while the REAL oil producing countries are making 10 million barrel per day. Even US are producing more than Malaysia which is amounting to 9.3 million barrel per day!! Out of those 500,000 barrel per day output to cover our consumptions, Petronas refineries only able to produce within 250,000 to 300,000 barrel per day and the remaining are produced by other O&G companies. Below are the breakdowns of the output from Malaysia refineries :

a)    Petronas maximum output : Melaka 1 – 92,832 barrel/day, Melaka 2 – 126,000 barrel/day, Kerteh – 40,000 barrel/day.
b)   Shell : Port Dickson – 125,000 barrel/day, Lutong – 45,000 barrel/day
c)    Esso : Port Dickson – 86,000 barrel/day


PKR said our government is increasing the oil price. Actually is misleading. The reality is, our government is letting go some of the subsidies that have been absorbing the already increased 400% of fuel price. The fuel price has been increased since year 2000, THANKS TO ANWAR’S BUDDIES LYING ON IRAQ WARS.

So where PETRONAS real profits came from since they are struggling to make real money in their own country? As to date, PETRONAS are listed as one of SEVEN SISTERS in O&G companies around the world. The SEVEN SISTERS are the companies the world Oil & Gas industry. Below are the lists of the SEVEN SISTERS that dominates the world O&G industry :

a)    Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia)
b)    JSC Gazprom (Russia)
c)    CNPC (China)
d)    NIOC (Iran)
e)    PDVSA (Venezuela)
f)     Petrobras (Brazil)

How come only with 4 billion reserves and 250,000++ barrel per day production in your own country can be one of the SEVEN SISTERS?? It is simple, they make their own money from outside country fuel. The other simple reason because ANWAR IBRAHIM IS NOT THE ADVISOR OF PETRONAS!! Nak harap Anwar?? HAAKKK PTUUUIH!!

As per 1974 Acts, Malaysian citizens only have rights on our own Malaysia fuel only NOT OUTSIDE. MALAYSIAN don’t deserve a single cents or even a subsidy from outside this country fuel income. But in 2008, Petronas have paid the government in taxes RM67.6 billion which amounting to 44% revenue of the federal government income. What makes Petronas willing to share or even subsidize with Malaysian citizens from their foreign exploits? It was the Barisan Nasional government. AGAIN PKR HAVE LIED TO US, THEY SAID ALL OF PETRONAS INCOME BELONGS TO MALAYSIAN, WHILE ACTUALLY IS NOT AS PER 1974 ACTS SINCE HALF OF THE INCOME OF PETRONAS TODAY CAME FROM FUEL THAT DOESN’T BELONG TO US.

They are many facts and figures I have from my O&G experiences and involvement, I’ll share with you guys, so you guys can know the truth. And can use it against PKR lies.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Adakah Semua Pendapatan PETRONAS Milik Rakyat Malaysia???

Saya rasa banyak rakyat kita tidak tahu mengenai jumlah pengeluaran minyak di Malaysia VS penggunaan minyak di Malaysia. Dan ramai tidak tahu dari mana sebenarnya pendapatan Petronas hari ini.

Negara pengeluar minyak besar ialah negara yang mampu mengeluarkan minyak antara 4,000,000 ke 5,000,000 tong per sehari. Negara kita hanya dalam lingkungan 200,000 ke 250,000 tong per sehari, atau mungkin kurang. Minyak yang dikeluarkan oleh negara kita hanya sesuai untuk kenderaan kapal terbang (berapa ramai rakyat Malaysia ada kapal terbang?). Dan satu lagi, negara kita mempunyai lebih banyak gas asli.

Negara kita menggunakan lebih kurang 547,000 tong per sehari iaitu bersamaan hampir setahun pengeluaran minyak negara kita. Ini bermakna negara kita terpaksa import minyak. 90% minyak petrol atau diesel yang digunakan oleh rakyat Malaysia adalah minyak dari negara luar. Harga minyak negara luar adalah pada paras harga yang telah di set kan  di Mercantile Exchange, New York dan OPEC. Dan kenaikan 500% harga minyak luar terpaksa di tanggung oleh kerajaan Malaysia melalui subsidi.

Negara kita memiliki lebih hasilan gas berbanding minyak / petrol. Jadi, jika ingin merasa hasil bumi Malaysia yang murah, pakailah gas @ NPV pada kereta anda.

Pendapatan Petronas sebenarnya datang daripada end product atau down stream, seperti bahan asal plastik, komestik, pil perubatan dan lain2. Dan sebahagian besar pendapatan Petronas hari ini (hampir 60%) datang daripada dagangan minyak kepunyaan negara lain seperti Sudan, Indo China, Iran, Filipina, Negara Balkan, Rusia dan lain2. Ini bermakna hasil pendapatan daripada minyak negara kita untuk Petronas hanya 40% atau mungkin kurang.

Jika hendak diikutkan hak rakyat Malaysia, kita hanya mempunyai hak terhadap Petronas sebanyak 40% dari jumlah pendapatan, kerana hanya 40% sahaja pendapatan Petronas hari ini adalah hasil dari bumi kita. 60% lagi sepatutnya adalah untuk penasihat, lembaga pengarah dan pekerja2 Petronas yang datang dari dagangan minyak luar.

Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, kita sepatutnya berterima kasih kepada kerajaan Malaysia, penasihat, lembaga pengarah dan pekerja2 Petronas kerana sanggup untuk berkongsi 60% pendapatan minyak luar dengan rakyat Malaysia melalui subsidi, bail out, cukai dan royalti. Jika mereka tidak mahu berkongsi hak mereka itu, sudah semestinya gaji pekerja Petronas lebih tinggi daripada sekarang dan standard gaji mereka setaraf dengan syarikat2 minyak antarabangsa lain.

Siapakah penasihat PETRONAS itu??? 

Pada tahun 2006, hampir 4,000 orang kakitangan Petronas yang paling elit menghantar surat perletakan jawatan pada suatu masa. Ini kerana mereka menunjukkan tanda protes apabila pengurusan Petronas dan Hassan Merican dituduh menyeleweng oleh ahli2 politik yang mahukan jawatan Hassan Merican (ahli politik memang tak guna). Ianya juga sebagai protes terhadap rakyat Malaysia yang tidak mengenang budi, semasa itu.

Semasa keadaan tersebut berlaku, saya berada di kafe LGAST, Labuan. Di kafe tersebut juga, syarikat2 luar negara seperti Talisman, Qatar Oil, telah menunggu di situ bersama appointment letter untuk menawarkan jawatan kepada kakitangan Petronas yang mahu berhenti. Kakitangan Petronas sememangnya menjadi rebutan dalam industri gas dan petroleum, itulah hakikatnya.

Secara umumnya, seorang Jurutera sepatutnya berpendapatan sebanyak 3000 EURO/seminggu tetapi jurutera2 Petronas hanya dapat setengah daripada standard antarabangsa untuk sebulan. SEBAB APA??? SEBAB BERKORBAN UNTUK RAKYAT MARHAEN. Hasil usaha orang lain ini bukan hak rakyat Malaysia sebenarnya, tapi ramai yang TIDAK TAHU BERSYUKUR.

Jika mereka keluar dari Petronas, mereka akan keluar bersama2 dengan deal2 minyak luar negara yang mereka berjaya usahakan sendiri iaitu sebahagian besar pendapatan Petronas (banyak diusahakan oleh Tun Mahathir di negara2 membangun seperti Iran, Sudan dan lain2 kerana mereka adalah fan beliau). Jika perkara ini berlaku pada masa itu, rakyat Malaysia akan menikmati pendapatan hasil bumi Negara sebanyak 40% sahaja (mengikut akta 1974). Dan orang yang bertanggungjawab memujuk kakitangan Petronas yang protes itu adalah orang ini. Kata beliau kepada mereka ;

”Ingatlah jasa Petronas yang membentuk dan melatih kamu ....” – Timbalan PM

1,000 orang kakitangan Petronas sempat meletakkan jawatan, manakala bakinya kekal bersama2 Petronas. Alhamdulillah.

Apa akan jadi jika orang ini tidak tampil untuk memujuk kakitangan Petronas itu??? 

Maka rakyat Malaysia tidak berpeluang menikmati 60% hasil pendapatan extra Petronas yang datang dari minyak luar negara. Dan janganlah bermimpi untuk menikmati SUBSIDI seperti hari ini. Menganga jelah.

”Change the way we think, then we will change everything. The burden of changing the mentality of people cannot be on an individual (no matter how influential you are) like Tun M. I t should be an effort of group of people. How long we going to stay in COMFORT ZONE??”Draz Har 

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Rakyat Malaysia Suka Subsidi Minyak, Tak Suka Gaji Tinggi

Subsidi sebenarnya bagus. Ia membantu rakyat dalam perniagaan dan kehidupan harian mereka. Maknanya mereka tidak perlu modal yang besar untuk memacu ke hadapan. Dan kalau ramai rakyat Malaysia makin mampu untuk membuat perniagaan dan benda2 lain, mereka mampu untuk bayar cukai atau menghidupkan kitaran ekonomi yang sihat. Akhirnya duit dari subsidi kerajaan boleh dapat balik.

Walaupun kerajaan terpaksa menanggung 400% kenaikan minyak dan jika 100% subsidi itu digunakan oleh rakyat, itu adalah baik. Aliran tunai atau tanggungan daripada subsidi itu akan kembali juga kepada kerajaan melalui cukai atau kitaran ekonomi domestik yang sihat.

Masalahnya sekarang, subsidi kita ini bukan rakyat Malaysia pakai 100% pun. Yang pakai ni kebanyakannya orang luar yang berniaga di sini. Kalau orang luar yang pakai, keuntungan @ aliran tunai akan keluar. Ini sangat merugikan dan menjadi pembaziran.

Kita boleh lihat sendiri, kontraktor2 besar, pengilang2, pelabur2, hotel2, kebanyakan mereka ini orang luar. Mereka ini mengaut keuntungan yang tinggi melalui penggunaan subsidi minyak kita. Kita boleh lihat di Johor sempadan Singapura, berapa ramai rakyat Singapura dok tibai minyak kita, lepas tu kembali ke Singapura.

Syarikat yang membuat tempat penternakan babi berteknologi tinggi di Selangor hasil kelulusan kerajaan PKR pun merupakan syarikat luar negara. Mana ada kontraktor Bumiputra boleh buat kandang babi. Mereka pun kaut untung yang besar melalui subsidi minyak kita. Bukan setakat minyak, tanah pun depa sebat.

Pembangkang kata kerajaan bertanggungjawab memberikan subsidi kepada rakyat. Saya bagi contoh negara2 yang tidak menjalankan tanggungjawab memberi subsidi kepada rakyat mereka ;

Jumlah Tong Simpanan Minyak
a)    Canada – 178 billion
b)    US – 97 billion
c)    Venezuela – 98 billion
d)    Russia – 79 billion
e)    China – 15.7 billion
f)     Mexico – 13.5 billion
g)    Vietnam – 4.7 billion
h)   Argentina – 2.2 billion
i)     Australia – 1.5 billion
j)      Brazil – 12.6 billion

Ini hanya 10 daripada 98 negara pengeluar minyak yang memang tidak memberikan subsidi kepada rakyat mereka, ada banyak lagi. Jadi, adakah kerajaan2 negara ini dikira tidak menjalankan tanggungjawab mereka kepada rakyat hanya kerana tidak memberi subsidi????

Saya tidak bermaksud bahawa rakyat Malaysia tidak perlukan subsidi. Saya cuma ingin tunjukkan yang banyak negara lain mempunyai simpanan minyak yang besar, tetapi tidak memberikan subsidi. Ini berbeza dengan kerajaan Malaysia. Jadi, tidak bersyukur lagikah kita??? Bukan setakat bagi subsidi, mereka tibai minyak luar negara, lepas tu subsidikan minyak luar negara kepada kita. Tak bersyukur lagi???

Kita asyik bercakap pasal rakyat marhaenlah, natijahlah, rakyat makin miskinlah, nak matilah kalau naik 5sen. Kita tidak berfikir tentang tungkus lumus kerajaan yang duk serap kos subsidi. Kita juga tidak berfikir tentang gaji kakitangan Petronas yang bertungkus lumus meletakkan Petronas di tempat ia berada hari ini. 40% pendapatan Petronas hari ini datang daripada minyak luar, hasil usaha mereka sendiri.

Saya dengar baru2 ini mereka dapat lagi hak di Azerbaijan yang jumlah simpanannya adalah lebih banyak dariapda minyak yang berada di dalam negara Malaysia. Dalam masa 5 tahun, pendapatan Petronas daripada luar negara akan naik sebanyak 60% ke 70%.

Harga minyak memang dah lama naik. Kerajaan bukan menaikkan harga minyak, tetapi melepaskan sedikit subsidi untuk minyak yang telah lama naik dan kenaikan yang ditanggung ialah 500% kenaikan. Berapa banyak minyak yang rakyat Malaysia dan rakyat asing pakai sehari di negara ini? Dalam anggaran 200,000/tong setahun. 1 tong sekarang harganya dalam anggaran USD 80/tong, bermakna Malaysia pakai sehari USD 160juta/sehari. Dan mungkin juga lebih.

Kalaulah Malaysia hanya mampu keluarkan dalam 200,000/setahun, maknanya kita kena import minyak luar. Harga minyak luar mana boleh pakai harga Malaysia, mestilah pakai harga yang di set di Mercantile Exchange, New York dan OPEC. Oleh itu harga yang extra itu ke mana??? Kerajaanlah tanggung. Nak harapkan Anwar??? HAKKKK PTUIH!!

Kita buat comparison dengan negara Mexico (negara pengeluar kecil, gaji rakyat rendah).
Mexico mempunyai 13.350 billion tong. Mereka tidak beri subsidi pun kepada rakyat mereka. Kita ambil lagi satu contoh negara yang mempunyai taraf ekonomi / pendapatan yang lebih rendah daripada negara kita, Indonesia. Indonesia mempunyai 3.8 billion tong, mereka tak beri pun subsidi kepada rakyat mereka.
Kita compare dengan Thailand pulak. Mereka mempunyai 441 juta tong simpanan, mereka tak bagi subsidi pun. Begitu juga dengan Angola yang  mempunyai 13.5 billion tong, pun mereka tak bagi subsidi pada rakyat Angola.
Siapa boleh bagitau saya daripada 98 negara pengeluar minyak dunia, berapa negara yang betul2 bagi subsidi kepada rakyat mereka?

Negara yang rakyatnya mempunyai gaji tinggi adalah negara yang tidak memberikan subsidi kepada rakyatnya.
Apabila kerajaan mereka tidak mempunyai sebarang tanggungan untuk subsidi, duit yang berbillion lebihan itu kerajaan mereka mampu membuka atau mewujudkan projek2 yang bernilai sangat tinggi.

Saya pernah bekerja di Singapura dan gaji yang saya terima agak tinggi (3 kali ganda) walaupun di bawah bendera syarikat Malaysia. Saya dapat perhatikan projek yang sama fungsi dan taraf di Malaysia dijalankan di Singapura  adalah tiga kali ganda harganya. Contoh reklamasi tanah di Singapura, harga mereka berikan adalah SD 60/m3 termasuk PVD / treatment, tetapi di Malaysia adalah 25/m3. Dan kesan daripada ini, syarikat2 yang membuat projek di Singapura mampu memberi gaji yang lebih tinggi kepada pekerja mereka. Kamu boleh bandingkan sendiri, projek2 lain yang mempunyai persamaan fungsi di Malaysia dan perbezaan harga.

Syarikat2 pembekal / pengimport komoditi seperti gula, minyak dan lain2 mampu meletakkan harga yang lebih tinggi kerana pembeli2 mereka mempunyai kemampuan dengan gaji yang tinggi. Dan kesan daripada di atas, pekerja2 yang bekerja dengan syarikat2 pembekal / pengimport komoditi mampu menikmati gaji yang lebih tinggi.

Tetapi walau macamana tinggi pun gaji kamu di sana, cara hidup tidak jauh berbeza dengan rakyat Malaysia. Walaupun gaji di sana tinggi, tetapi harga barang juga tinggi. Gaji orang Malaysia rendah tapi harga barangan masih rendah. Contoh kalau rumah flat (2 bilik) di Malaysia berharga RM200,000, di Singapura ianya berharga RM600,000. Tetapi rakyat Singapura pandai, mereka ambil gaji di negara mereka, lepas tu melabur dan berbelanja di Malaysia. Ini bermakna subsidi negara kita telah digunakan sebaik mungkin oleh orang luar.

Kesimpulannya, kalau rakyat Malaysia mahu gaji tinggi seperti rakyat Singapura, US dan lain2, hapuskan subsidi. Tinggilah gaji korang semua.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Revolusi Arab dan Polisi Ekonomi

Jika revolusi atau kemerdekaan Tunisia dan Mesir BETUL2 ASLI habih kenapa POLISI EKONOMI NEGARA MEREKA di tentukan di Perancis dan SEBELUM pemilihan Perdana Menteri mereka? Lebih menghairankan kenapa POLISI EKONOMI negara mereka ditentukan oleh negara2 Eropah dan US bukan ahli parlimen mereka sendiri??? Artikel ini menjawab misteri ini 
Sebuah negara yang merdeka sepatutnya POLISI EKONOMI negara mereka patut ditentukan di parlimen mereka sendiri dan sepatutnya ditentukan SELEPAS pemilihanraya perdana menteri. Tetapi lain pulak jadinya pada Mesir dan Tunisia selepas Revolusi.
 Artikel ni dikeluarkan pada tahun 2008 oleh Badan CFR (Council of Foreign Relation). CFR ini adalah satu badan Think Tank gabungan dari semua syarikat2 Multinational Gergasi US dan Eropah dan Pegawai kerajaan atasan US dan Eropah.

Dari artikel ni, CFR mendapati kadar perdagangan antara negara-negara Arab dengan China telah meningkat lebih dari 1000%!! pada 2008. Secara amnya ini menunjukkan, diktator2, raja2, pemimpin2 negara Arab yang sebelumnya dibela oleh US dan Eropah dah jadi PEMBELOT kepada US dan Eropah!!! Sikap ini tidak menyenangkan US dan Eropah yang pada masa yang sama mengalami masalah ekonomi

Semua org tahu kemelesetan ekonomi dunia berpunca dari krisis2 ekonomi di Amerika spt sub prime crisis, wall street crash dan lain2. Dan negara2 Arab ini turut mendapat tempias yang teruk sebab mereka semua dulu 100% perdagangan dengan US. Dan situasi menjadi lebih teruk di Arab apabila harga minyak mereka sendiri dispekulasi oleh spekulator2. Ini tidak baik kepada negara Arab yang dah memang teruk keadaan ekonominya. 

Hanya satu cara untuk mengurangkan tempias ekonomi dunia yang berpunca dari Amerika. Diktator2, raja2, Pemimpin2 Arab ni mula mengubah dengan meningkatkan perdagangan dua hala dengan China dan Russia (iaitu seteru Barat dalam ekonomi dunia). Mereka mula menukar arah dagangan pada 2006. Kadar peningkatan perdagangan antara CHina meningkat dari USD 32 Billion pada 2006 kepada USD 386 billion!! pada 2007. Ini peringkat permulaan dalam proses pemulihan ekonomi arab

Dengan kadar peningkatan perdagangan antara China dan negara2 Arab meningkat dari USD 32 Billion pada 2006 kepada USD 386 billion!! pada 2007, ini meningkatkan kerisauan kepada US dan Eropah bahawa pemimpin Arab yang dibela mereka sebelum ni sudah mula belot dan secara halus BOIKOT barangan Amerika dan Eropah dengan membawa masuk barangan pesaing US dan Amerika ke negara2 Arab dengan kadar yang amat tinggi. Ini secara tidak langsung mengurangkan pengaruh dan cengkaman ekonomi US dan Eropah di tanah Arab.

So bagaimana US dan Eropah menyekat kadar peningkatan perdagangan antara China dan negara2 Arab semenjak 2006, menyekat pengurangan pengaruh US dan Eropah melalui perdagangan di Arab? dan ini turut membahayakan kedudukan Israel juga jika pengaruh US dan Eropah berkurang di Arab. So bagaimana US dan Eropah menyekatnya? YAAAA DENGAN REVOLUSI!!!!

So itulah jawapan kepada MISTERI REVOLUSI ARAB baru2 ni - Jika revolusi atau kemerdekaan Tunisia dan Mesir BETUL2 ASLI habih kenapa POLISI EKONOMI NEGARA MEREKA di tentukan di Perancis dan SEBELUM pemilihan Perdana Menteri mereka? Sebab Revolusi tersebut memang TIDAK ASLI pun dan Revolusi ini bukan utk kebaikan rakyat2 Arab tapi utk menyelamatkan Ekonomi negara2 barat dahulu dan terus mengekalkan cengkaman ekonomi US dan Eropah di Arab. So apa akan jadi pada rakyat arab yang tunjuk perasaan tu? Tiada apa2, mereka tidak akan dapat pekerjaan atau apa yang mereka harapkan, mereka harus tunggu hingga ekonomi US pulih dan habis bayar hutang IMF hahaha. Itulah realiti revolusi di Arab. Nasib kita tak dengar cakap Anwar.

Penasihat Ekonomi RM1

Kebangkitan LALUAN SUTERA (China-Gulf Economic Relations) adalah kebangkitan dua benua dalam kuasa ekonomi dunia melalui penguasaan laluan perdagangan strategik seperti zaman keagungan tamaddun Islam dahulu. Salah satu faktor kuasa ekonomi masyakat Arab dahulu adalah penguasaan logistik strategik ini. Satu-satunya peluang masyakat Arab utk membebaskan diri mereka dari belenggu kemiskinan adalah penguasaan secara optimum logistik strategik ini tetapi ia telah dihentikan dengan revolusi dan polisi ekonomi mereka turut diambil alih oleh US dan Eropah. Oleh itu untuk apa masyarakat Arab revolusi kalau POLISI EKONOMI utk mereka sendiri pun mereka tidak boleh tentukan termasuklah terlepas peluang keemasan dalam membangkit kepentingan dalam logistik strategik laluan sutera ini? Masyarakat Arab ditipu lagi.

Kesimpulan : "Finally, some Western analysts worry that broadening China-GCC economic relations could hamper developed economies by sucking away trade opportunities the United States and Europe might otherwise have in the region." . Paragraph 13..Ini suara dari US dan Eropah pada June 2008, 3 tahun kemudian pada 2011, Tanah Arab dilanda revolusi..... So Revolusi ni utk selamatkan siapa sebenarnya??? Rakyat Arab atau Ekonomi Barat?

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

What’s Wrong with Ulama’s Today?

Sadly, today there are so many types of Ulama’ are “self proclaimed” Ulama’ just because they have a beard and wears a “serban” and know how to cut and paste Quranic verses into their speeches, facebook etc but in reality they don’t have any substance at all. That is the key factor Muslims today are “fuck up”.

Ability to read and understand Quran and other Islamic knowledge such as Feqah, rules and regulations are not enough. It is not easy to be Ulama’. They must have to master the knowledge of both worlds – the world and “akhirat” (hereafter) knowledges. Like in the old days, the days of Abu Bakar, Umar Khattab, Usman Affan, Ali etc. These guys are not just well known for their high knowledge in the akhirat / hereafter, they are also the masters of the world knowledge. These guys are the pioneers of the modern world we got today. From modern politics, administration, economy, military tactics, mathematics, scientific, philosophy etc, these types of guys gave LIGHT to the Europe Dark Ages.

In short, Ulama is a door to the knowledge world, not just Islamic world. Because Ulama meaning are derived from the word ILMU and ALIM which means educated class of Muslim scholar. They must perform, not just having a beard and wears a serban.

Rasulullah S.A.W quotes ;

”Celakalah bagi umatku (akibat) daripada (perbuatan) Ulama’-Us-Su” 
(Related by Al-Hakim)

”Seburuk – buruk sesuatu daripada yang paling buruk ialah Ulama yang buruk, dan sebaik – baik sesuatu daripada yang paling baik ialah Ulama yang baik”. 
(Related by Ad-Darimi)

The society will be destroyed and damaged when Ulama'-Su Us as Imam to follow and be reliable. Therefore, the public should know the difference between Ulama'-Su Us by scholars who inherit knowledge of the prophets. Ulama’-Us Su claimed can be categorized easily as a ”self proclaimed” Ulama. And there are so many of them nowadays especially that ones involve in petty politics.

Ulama are bunch of people positioned on the highest ranking in Islamic society and civilization, and they are the ones that carrying our prophet Muhammad S.A.W will. And they deserved the respect from us. Why they got that title and deserve that respect?

Is it simply they just have more knowledge on religion than us?
Is it simply they have beard, wear robes and head gear?
Is it simply cause they can pops out tonees of Fatwas?
Is it simply they can be judgmental by saying this guy kafir or that guy munafiq just by not agreeing with them?

Nope, nothing of the above. Ulama’ in short, in modern world today we called PRO’s the above only a small fraction of the Ulama’ bigger tasks or perks. These guys have most of the answers we seek whether it is religion or non-religion. These guys should know the answers or most of it. They are steering committee of the civilization, they are pioneers, and trend setters. They are one of the key factors that contributed the Golden Age of Islamic civilization long time ago. You can check out the history books, what the Ulama of the old days have done and achieved. Not just setting structured Islamic laws and books that are directly or indirectly involve in todays modern civilization achievements either it is in Mathematics, Science, Chemical, Politics, Navigation etc, they are the driven force behind Islamic Civilization achievements. These guys deserved the title. Being an Ulama is a very tough job, that’s why they got the title “Pewaris Nabi”.

So now, the so called today Ulama in Malaysia deserved the title “Pewaris Nabi” or the highest respect? Seriously, when I compared the pass history and today, I do not know they should deserve it.

The Ulamas should not just be neutral, but they must be able to uphold the standard PEWARIS NABI. They must be able to perform more than average people like us. Is it just by graduating from Al Azharr or sekolah pondok, wearing robes, serba, have a beard and can understand Al-Quran and Sunnah alone can be PEWARIS NABI? When I compared the past and today, I DON’T THINK SO!

I take one example, Umar Al-Khattab, he standardized the Dinar currency system for the whole Middle East continent (not just 1 country) which at the end become more fairer and corrected the unfairness of barter trade system that was implemented during that time. There’s many more example. You guys can check it out in the history books what the Ulamas of the past have done and achieved.

Personally, why we today, don’t have Ulamas like in the past? It might got to do with the training today. As I opened up the biographies of the past Ulamas, their training are strict, and the training methods have a pattern.  By 6 years old, most of the future Ulamas are already mastered the Al-Quran in and out, people called it Tahfiz. Actually from Tahfiz they learn one trait – photographic memory which is essential in learning or storing complex information in your brain. After their mastered the Tahfiz school, they are sent to a more specialized school of their interest either medical, Geography, legal, economics, detailed Islamic studies etc. It is the same pattern Imam Al-Ghazali, Ibn Nafis, Ibn Rusyd, Al Gebra, Ibn Sina – their training almost the same pattern – master Tahfiz first by 6 to 10 years old, then sent to the specialized school. That’s why they are top performers and positioned in a very high ranking in the society. These Ulamas are GENIUS!! And they fit the title – ULAMA PEWARIS NABI.

I’ve heard there’s a politician proposed a system or an idea “mengulamakan Ulama” in order to strengthen the Ummah. We can’t depend anymore on sekolah pondok or Al-Azhar to give birth of Ulamas today, must be new training system like the old days.

Somehow I do agree, cause Ulamas today personally aint the same as Ulama before which their masters the knowledge of both worlds, either it is religion or non-religion.


Personally, I think HUDUD can work, not just for Muslims but for others too. HUDUD it is not just about cutting hands that we seem it is so huge and covers a lot of areas. We have seen it works before during the Khalifah Ar-Rasyidin. How from Abu Bakar to Ali it changes the lives of those pitiful Arabs to be one of the most prosperous economy and society, strong military and solid foreign trade. And it changes and alleviates them in such a short time. In short years those guys are at PAR with the ROMANS and PERSIANS. And it just not about the religion, it’s about the system too.

But bare in mind, those people like Abu Bakar, Umar, Usman and Ali worked hard on developing the systems that supporting the HUDUD law, from it legal, economic, currency system which locked on stable commodity and even the simple post office, everything are developed to support the HUDUD system. Everyday is EUREKA for them. They even seek from non-Muslims advice too to ensure it works for all. They didn’t depend on Quran verses only like what PAS people doing now, just cut and paste and then post it on youtube to gain votes.

Sadly, the system that need to be further develop to support HUDUD system basically come to a slow down or pause after Ali was assassinated. And it was not rigorously continued. It is very sad that Al-Azhar University doesn’t play that role too, nowadays. Most of those students that graduated from there are judgementalists that keep judging you are not Muslim enough, bla bla bla and all. And it is the same thing with our religious schools in our country. It is sad to see that. That’s the fact.

If we want HUDUD system to happen, the supporting system that shoulders HUDUD need to be developed first. Why? Cause God gave us brains to think and figure out about it, GOD didn’t give us all the answers, some we need to think for ourselves. If not, no point GOD creates AKAL. And it might take years or even hundred of years.

If conventional banking today took more than 400 years to be developed since renaissance, why cant HUDUD? We should think about it and give it a shot. And we have found out that voting for PAS doesn’t guarantee the implementation or even further detailed development of the system. With Karpal, LGE, Anwar around, it will definitely PAUSED.

So where do we start? Let’s start to break free from conventional western liberal economy and social system first. Then one at the time, we find ways to develop it. Like today, there’s a guy who come up with DINAR system and Islamic Banking system. And we all know whos that guy. That idea might be our escape from the unfair conventional economic system. That idea might be our salvation.

Even though it is not perfect or at infant stage, we should look into it and start to support it. Economy is primary part of our life and HUDUD is a system that were designed to govern our life, so therefore good and fair economic system I can consider part of HUDUD too. And somehow I think, currency speculators deserve their hand to be cut (Anwar wont want that happened to his speculators friends, right?)

Actually, HUDUD can be implemented but not today. As in stages, the structures that supporting HUDUD need to be erected first, such as financial instruments, currency systems, forensic, etc. And it will take hundred of years of continuous support and research. And this situation will be like REINVENTING THE WHEEL. I don’t mind reinventing the wheel, as long it is our wheel and it is fair for us all.

As for me, I’m one of the people will support any alternatives that will break us free from the current systems that have failed us all. And I noticed, there’s one guy who proposed alternative currency system to USD the DINAR and that guy is an UMNO guy. We can start there. From there, we could build a more fairer financial instruments free of speculation and unfairness, And from there, we can have our HUDUD a pure JUSTICE FOR ALL.

Therefore, I would like to say NO to Anwar Ibrahim and his USD currency system and unregulated capitalism system. The world need to change, it is time Malaysian move on with the tides. Europe have change it from Dollar to Euro, why can’t we?

If PR wants to adapt HUDUD laws, a lot of bankers and currency speculators will loose their hands, this includes SOROS too. Now the question, is PR really wants to adapt HUDUD laws? Or just a LIP SERVICE to this country Moslems to gain more votes?
I doubt Anwar and his DAP lackeys want SOROS to loose his hand. If SOROS loose his hand, how he going to sign the fund transfer documents?

But first things first, before even HUDUD comes around, we have to break free from the current liberal western systems first, slowly but surely. I am not a western hater, but those liberalized western ways or systems that Anwar proposed have proven that caused damages and harm, not just to us but to their own western people. We have seen what happened in US, Europe and latest Dubai. It is time for change. Bare in mind those US, Europe are trying to change too from the normalities and standards that have been used for very long time. If they are changing, why don’t we?

We can start by saying NO! first to Anwar Ibrahim. Or Anwar himself have to abandon his own systems, ways and his own systems, ways and his US friends like Shaha Riza, Wolfowitz, etc which I doubt he would do that.

This is the primary problem and the KEY REASON, when people asked Nik Aziz or any PAS Ulamas, why don’t you make Hudud happen in Kelantan? And they cant answer it, yet END UP GIVING EXCUSES.

Syeikh Al Juburi zaman dulu2

“But around the 15th Century of the Christian era, fatwas were made by Muslim Ulamas that IQRAQ or read was intended for reading and studying religion only. From then on, the Muslim scientists, physicians, mathematicians etc stopped their study of these subjects in order to study religion exclusively.”

Because the Ulamas today doesn’t have a clue what to do next, because they aren’t trained in the supporting system disciplines like the Ulamas in the old days. That’s why people like Abu Bakr As Siddiq, Umar Al-Khattab, Usman bin Affan and Ali and before 14th Centuries Ulamas are able to make the Islamic Laws work nicely, not just that they managed to turn such a poor Arab civilization into one of the greatest in the world, and it become the a shining light to the world.

You guys check it for yourselves the timeframe. Islamic civilization were at the highest during 700 till 1300, when it reaches 15 centuries, it start to deteriorate (merudum) and guys, check out the statement highlighted above, is it justified enough?

Open the history books, the rise and deterioration of Islamic Civilization, satisfy yourselves.

The question is :


If SOROS loose his hands, how he going to sign the fund transfer documents?

The answer is time and resources and hard work and reality. And HUDUD is not just a mere Islamic laws, it is a system. And it has worked before during the 4 Khalifah Rasyidin, Such a short time those loose Arabs civilization have changed from ZERO to HERO at par with ROMANS and PERSIANS. This is a fact. And these 4 Khalifahs really do the developments works to support the laws. Not just mere rhetorics. It is sad that after the assassination of Ali R.A, the R&D were slow down and it end up at pause cause during that moment, Moslems were busy on expansion and fighting among each other. The Abbasiyah and Ummayah conflicts. And somehow it looks almost similar here in Malaysia, but smaller scale.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Islam and Politics – How they got Separated?

IQRAQ has been always the key factor for Islamic Civilization progress. The early Muslims accepted the message of Allah in the Qur’an enjoining upon Muslim to read (Iqraq). The verse (the first to be received by the Prophet – an illiterate man) did not specify, much less limit what Muslim should read. 

The early Muslims read and eventually translated all the writings of the Greeks, the Indians and others. Obviously they had to learn these languanges first. Then they followed up by doing their own research. 

And so the early Muslims were learned in the subjects pioneered by these other races and this added to the body of knowledge they had acquired. 
That’s why during the early days of Muslim civilization, you can see most of them especially Ulama’ are master of both worlds. Abu Bakr, Umar Al-Khattab, Usman, Ali, Khalid and many more, all of them are masters of both world. If they didn’t master, how they can rule and expand the Islamic civilization. Master of both worlds – Master of Religious knowledge and Master of non-religious knowledge (science, politics, chemical, etc). That’s why the Islamic training were not separated, that’s why Islam is the way of life. The training of all Muslim / Ummah were based on core world IQRAQ. And that’s why Islam and Politics during that moment were not separated. Because it is part of learning curves.


But around the 15th Century of the Christian era, fatwas were made by Muslim Ulamas that Iqraq or read was intended for reading and studying religion only. From then on, the Muslim scientists, physicians, mathematicians etc stopped their study of these subjects in order to study only religion exclusively. Then the split began, the people who study religion and the people who only study non-religion knowledge, theres no more unison.

If we care to read the history of the Muslims and the Europeans, we would notice that from around the 15th Century of the Christion era when the Muslim rejected what they regarded as non-religious knowledge, the Muslim civilization began to regress/decline. The Europeans, after acquiring the knowledge of the Muslims started to emerge from the Dark Ages and to build the civilisation that we see today. Unfortunately, Muslim historians seem not to have noticed the significance of the fatwas of the 15thCentury A.D. Even today Muslims seem unwilling to connect this decline of their civilization with the neglect of non-religious knowledge. And the indirect effect the split of Islam and non-religious knowledge like politics, science etc.

We can make an easy comparison between the Ulamas that were born before 13th Century and 16th Century till to date. When you checked out the biographies of the Ulamas that were born on this two different timeframe, you will see a pattern. The Ulamas that were born before 13th Century have the same training/schooling system. By 6 years old, they mastered the knowledge of tahfiz (The Knowledge of Quran) and after 6 years old they were sent to master the non-religion knowledge which they have interest in like military, medical, engineering, administrative, business and many more and some choose to continue to further their knowledge in religion like detailed Feqah etc. But for the Ulamas that were born after 16th Century till to date, they only have training on religion knowledge only, no training on non-religion knowledge at all.

 I take very easy example, Umar Al-Khattab R.A. (born before 13th Century) and Nik Aziz in our country (born after 16th Century).

As we all know, Umar Al-Khattab are very verse in Religious knowledge, that undeniable. But we can check out his exploit in non-religion sector. I pick one of his success, ADMINISTRATION+POLITICS. Umar is considered as a political genius, as an architect of Islamic Empire. He is best known to built up an efficient administrative structure of the empire, that held together his vast realm. He organized an effective network intelligence, partly a reason for his strong grip on his bureaucracy. His judicial reforms were fairly modern and advance in nature when compared to contemporary systems of his era. 

The government of Umar was more or less a unitary government, where the sovereign political authority was the Caliph. The empire of Umar was divided into provinces and some autonomous territories like in some regions Azerbaijan and Armenia, that had accepted the suzerainty of the Caliphate. The provinces were administered by the provincial governors or Wali. Provinces were further divided into districts, there were about 100 districts in the empire. Each district or main city was under the charge of a junior governor or Wali. The concept is exactly most of the countries today like United Kingdom, Malaysia today whereby the Caliph is like the Prime Minister and the Wali is like the Menteri Besar. 

Bare in mind, Umar Al-Khattab structured this during somewhere 600-700AD where during that the Europeans doesn’t know how to use soap for bath. One of Umar’s most powerful department was his intelligence department of secret services. His agents were every where, in the army, in the bureaucracy and in the enemy land. For the officials of Umar, it was said to be the most fearsome department . Its like CIA/MOSSAD today. These guys are PRO! Umar Al-Khattab R.A is a very smart, well informed and knowledgeable guy.

Now lets check out Nik Aziz. He might be well verse in the Religion Knowledge, but I do not know what is his non-religion mastery. In order to run a country, u must know/master the non-religion knowledge too like Umar Al-Khattab R.A did. Hudud is just a law, you still need the palnning, the organization, the resources, the techniques, the brains, the people, the supporting structure and many more to execute it successfully like Umar Al-Khattab R.A did. Now a simple question, can Nik Aziz do it successfully like Umar Al-Khattab?

Islam religion were split form the wordly knowledge (ilmu keduniaan) far before the word secularism were invented.

Another common feature during the Islamic Golden Age was the large number of Muslim polymath scholars before 13th-14th Century, who were known as ”Hakeems”. Some of them are judge or “Qadi”, each of whom contributed to a variety of different fields of both religious and secular learning (non religious). During the Islamic Golden Age (before 13th-14th Century), polymath scholars with a wide breadth of knowledge in different fields were more common than scholars who specialized in any single field of learning. These are the lists of those Ulamas, Hakeems and Qadis that were born before 13th-14th Century. There are quite famous ;

Al-Biruni, Al-Jahiz, Al-Kindi, Ibn Sina, Al-Idrisi, Ibn Bajjah, Ibn Zuhr, Ibn Tufail, Ibn Rushd, Al-Suyuti, Jabir Ibn Hayyan, Abbas Ibn Firnas, Ibn Al-Haytham, Ibn Al-Nafis, Ibn Khaldun, Al-Khwarizmi, Al-Masudi, Al-Muqaddasi, Nasir Al-Din Al-Tusi

These are the type bunch of guys who deserve the title ”Ulama’ : Pewaris Nabi”. Because Muhammad S.A.W and Al-Quran is all about knowledge. In Quran, have the knowledge about Allah and the non religious one too, especially the functions of oceans, stars, the sun, our body, our human psychology and attitude (elements of greed, kindness and many more), history and many more. Those non religious knowledge can be tool for us, humans to perform better as a khalifah and to put our mind (akal) to good use. With the fusion between the religious and non religious knowledge allows them to execute the Khalifah rulling system and the Law (Hudud and many more) to be very efficient system during that time.

During those days before (13th-14th Century), is not easy to get the title Ulama’, Hakeem, Qadi because you have to master virtually everything (the religious and non religious knowledge). But today, I found it quite easy compared to those days. Today you just need to finish the sekolah pondok, go to Al-Azhar and graduate, after that wear serban and jubah (robes) and then PRESTO!! You are an Ulama already, right? And then they earn the right to have the title “Ulama : Pewaris Nabi”.

History must have its logic and reason. That’s how I look at it. Theres many historical informations out there and it is up to you to determine whether it is right or wrong. That’s why when people said Mustapha Kamal is the sole responsible for the removal of Khalifah system in 1922, I can easily say, all of you are wrong. Theres many things happened before that year. The system have died somewhere in 1828, 1908 its dissolution, 1914 the WW1 events like the Arab Revolt (Lawrence and Arab partnership) and finally 1922.

What Mustapha did was removing the system that have already dead. Why the Khalifah system is already dead, it is because of the Khalifah himself. I didn’t say Mustapha Kamal is a hero, he just did a small share of the Khalifah system collapse. And worse Mustapha out of anger towards Arab people and the Increase of Nationalist spirits of Turkey population during that time, he changed all Arabic language within Quran to Turkish and many more scarf and all. My question is always, why a person like Mustapha Kamal who have been defending the Khilafah system / Ottoman Empire all his life in all fronts, EAST and WEST, suddenly he acts this way towards Islam and Ottoman Monarchy? Did you know, he gave the most inspiring speech to his Turkish / Muslims in the Gallipolli, that speech sounds like an old Muslim Mujahideen speech. Why he changed? Most of the answer lies in the Arab Revolt History, Occupation of Istanbul, WW1 events and Partition of Ottoman Empire (before Balfour Declaration) by the Allied forces.

People especially Muslims only see what happened after 1922 and blame it all on Mustapha, but no one want to know what actually happened before that. Why? Because it points back to the Khalifah and people behind the failures / collapse of Khalifah system. However, I still think what Mustapha did after 1922 still bad for Islamic Civilization. And by the way, the REAL and ACTUAL Khilafah system have already dead along with the last Khalifah Rasyidin death Ali Abi Talib R.A. After that was more on monarchy system. The khalifah was only a symbol for the monarchies. And Ottoman Empire was based on Monarchy and Khilafah was only a symbol as usual. The logic behind the collapse of Khilafah system in Turkey sound like this :

How can a man Mustapha could abolished the system that have been in the heart and minds of the Turkish people for more than 800 years can be done in one day? And why there are no heavy resistance at all from the Turkish Population, they seemed happy, the abolishment were not done by force at all, why?

Because the khilafah systems have failed the people of Turkey and other Mulims and non-Muslims subjects. Can you imagine that the people under system cant even put a food on the table during that time? Does the system failed? NO!! Why? Because the khilafah system have succeed before. Why the system failed during that time? Because the people who run the systems like Khalifahs, Ulamas make it failed with their incompetencies, stupidies, inefficiences, holier than thou attitude (saya lebih alim), always fight each other, “kafir mengkafir” and many more. THIS HISTORICAL FACTS MANY MUSLIMS TODAY DOESNT WANT TO LEARN!!. They prefer to learn about Mustapha Kamal bad side and blame it on Kuffar only! That’s why today, if we want want to implement the Khilafah system today, will it succeed? Or we just leave it to God? Remember, God create this history for us to learn from the mistakes.

Did you know that 130 years between 16th-17th Century, the Ottoman Khilafah were influenced or run by women? What in the Gods name khilafah is that!!! How in the world the Ulamas approved this?!!! It simple, because a fatwa / tradition : “A mother’s right is God’s right”. I got the message that in Islam, mum is very important position, but just in the family for God sakes, you aint running / calling the shots in the vast empire!!!

And because of these women influenced and rule have cause the decline of the Ottoman Khilafah in the 18th Century and let it to dissolution in early 19th Century. How does it happen? Because most of those Khalifah / Sultan were so intoxicate / distracted with women and many of the Sultan during that time were children / incompetent so the mum run the show. I’m going to give to you a lists of women that run / influence the show of Ottoman Khilafah / Empire :

1. Valide Sultan
2. Hurrem Sultan
3. Mihrimah Sultana
4. Nurbanu Sultana
5. Safiye Sultan
6. Kosem Sultan
7. Hatice

This is the period called the Sultanate of Women. Cant you see the decadence, the wrong doings. The corruptions, the failure, the stupidities, the inefficiences, the suffering, THE SHAME!! Of Ottoman Khilafah between 16th Century till 1922? If the Ottoman Khilafah were allowed to continue until today I do not know what were allowed to continue until today, I do not know what more SHAME install for us Muslims around the world today.

Somehow, Allah was right (always right, of course). Everything have its hikmah. What Mustapha Kamal did to the Khilafah have its hikmah. One of the first hikmah was during that time Turkey was the Sickman of Europe and today 80 years to be precise, Turkey is on her way to become the economic powerhouse in Europe. And even the Islamic Party that won in Turkey today are strangely have high respect to Mustapha even he did the wrong thing. Another hikmah, so all of us could learn from the mistesk of Ottoman Khilafah, so one day the new khilafah wont do the same.

So thats the basic conclusion that how Islam and Politics (wordly knowledge) got separated.
It was the fatwas or rulings that made exclusive the Iqraq to religious training only for the Ulamas and wordly knowledge became secondary but still it holds almost equal importance.

The misunderstood between category of Fardhu Ain and Frdhu Kifayah. Eventhough Fardhu Ain which are more foucs on the religious and Fardhu Kifayah on the wordly issues, but people misunderstood it between categories and importance. People tend to give more focus on Fardhu Ain and tend to neglect or consider only secondary impratnce of Fardhu Kifayah. Actually both must come together, because both are important in its different way. Both should have more parallel like in the days of Khalifah Rasyidin and the Golden Age of Islam. Theres no which is lesser important. Than the splits begin slowly.

So when all the people give all the focus on Fardhu Ain knowledge and Fardhu Kifayah as secondary options, the professionals and people that masters in Fardhu Kifayah become lesser everyday. Ad the most of the Fardhu Kifayah knowledge like sciences are left behind, and then the Europeans pick it up to build their civilizations today. After the Islamic Civilization like Ottoman start to decline, they finally (after a few hundreds years) figure out that they made mistakes on that decision and start sending their youngsters to Europe to learn back the Fardhu Kifayah knowledges like sciences. But the problem is, the youngster that were sent to Europe just didn’t bring the knowledges back, but the way of thinking too which can be dangerous to Islamic way of thiking. As you can see what happened to Turkey and most of Muslims countries today.

It makes me laugh when people say that secularism is the main cause that split between Islam and Politics, also other wordly knowledges while actually the word secularism was born on 1851 by George Holyoake. As you can see on the 1851, our Islamic world have basically collapsed earlier than that partly because of non-mastery of Fardhu Kifayah knowledges like sciences and others. Why theres on-mastery, it is easy cause of the split which we Muslim have done to ourselves.

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